Wednesday, June 27, 2012

How To Craft Ideas For Kids ? Rainbows Of Love - How To Do Things

Kids activities can be fun for the entire family and creative ideas are readily available. Many common items around the home can be transformed into children?s art work, and Q-tips are just one item that is versatile in crafts. The cotton swabs make a perfect paint brush and are the right size for young hands.

Creating rainbow cards with the kids is a fun family activity that is perfect for any time of the year. Rainbows are especially popular during the spring, however, the bright colors can easily be transferred to Christmas, fall or summer craft ideas.

To begin the following kids activities, you will need these supplies:
-Several cotton swabs for each child.
-Masking and scotch tape
-Glue dots
-Six colors of paint for a rainbow, but any colors work great for holiday cards
-Newspaper, plates, paper stock and wet cloths.

The plate makes a perfect place for kids to store several colors. The cotton swabs are an ideal brush, and covering a table with newspaper protects the finished surface. Little kids are notorious mess makers, and this is part of the fun. Having a variety of wet cloths helps kids keep clean and prevents the home from turning into a disaster area. Many kids like to keep their fingers clean, and wet cloths are perfect for this purpose too.

Creating a Rainbow Card
1. The first step is to prepare the work surface and cotton swabs. Because there are traditionally six different colors in a rainbow, it is ideal to use six swabs for each child. This leaves a swab for each color and reduces the mess. Putting a piece of masking tape over the cotton surface makes it easy to paint the cards and allows a broader brush stroke.

2. Card stock should be prepared by cutting it in half, and the remainder should be folded to produce a card shape.

3. Each cotton swab should be dipped in its own rainbow color. Some kids like to dip all of the swabs at the same time, but others prefer to work on a single color. Either option is perfect and up to the family.

4. The swabs should be dipped in paint and swiped across the paper in the shape of a rainbow. Using a different color for each course is ideal, and kids can develop their own artistic touches to create a unique rainbow card.

5. The rainbow can be left as is, or it can be enhanced with cotton puffs or sparkle paint. Adding some cotton to the bottoms adds an impression of clouds, and there is always the rumor of a pot of gold at the rainbow?s end.

Other Painting Techniques
The cotton swabs work great when the tip is taped, but this is not necessary. Using tape produces a bolder brush stroke because the cotton absorbs a lot of the paint.

Using one hand to paint all of the lines at the same time is another technique. This method is perfect for kids and is easy to do. Simply hold one swab between each finger, and the rainbow is finished in a single pass.

Kids activities are a great way to share with the entire family, and rainbow cards are perfect for sick relatives, holiday events and birthday parties. Everyone enjoys seeing the creativity of children, and bright cards warm a dreary day.

A rainbow is a beautiful creation in the sky, and kids love the bright colors. Making cards at home is a fun activity that is perfect for the entire family. Most homes have the required supplies lying around, and there is no need to make an expensive trip to the crafts store.

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